Women’s health receives fewer research dollars than men’s. Obstetricians are taught very little about the symptoms and impact of menopause. Midwives often face barriers from the medical establishment even with their long history of empathetic, successful care of women during and after pregnancy.
Women’s Health: From Midwives to Menopause is the topic when WomenTalk convenes on Thursday.
Special guests Dr. Nikia Grayson and Dr. Diane Pace will enrich the conversation from 6-7:30 p.m. at First Congregational Church, 1000 Cooper
Nikia is a Reproductive Justice informed public health activist, anthropologist and family nurse-midwife who has devoted her life to serving and empowering people in underserved communities. Nikia is the Chief Clinical Officer at CHOICES Memphis Center for Reproductive Health, where they have opened the first non-profit comprehensive reproductive health care center in the country and the first birth center in the city. More about Nikia on her website.
Diane, associate professor at UTHSC College of Nursing, is a certified menopause practitioner and the first nurse practitioner to serve as president of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS). She provides primary care and menopausal health care at the Methodist Teaching Practice as a family nurse practitioner. She is the only non-physician to serve on a menopause curriculum task force to develop a curriculum for residents and other clinicians for the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO). Diane has published on menopause and is a contributor to NAMS’ “Menopause Practice: A Clinician’s Guide,” “The Menopause Guidebook,” and the NAMS MenoProapp.
WomenTalk is an informal gathering, hosted by the board of the Memphis Area Women’s Council. Come by on Thursday – share a beverage, a snack and talk about what matters to women and what we can do for each other.
Register here or just show up!