Thanksgiving 2024


On behalf of Char, Amy, Ann, Ed, Chris, Eugene and Anthony, I would like to wish you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!  We are very thankful for all of you being part of the St. Peter’s Kitchen Family.


This past Wednesday (Nov. 20), we distributed Thanksgiving Baskets.  With the help of 20 volunteers. Good Day Rochester (WHAM and FOX Rochester) spent the morning with us.  They did five live spots with us and we had 22 minutes of airtime.  You can view it at the link below!  Make sure you look at all five segments.


The People’s Choice Kitchen on nearby Thurston Road also did a Thanksgiving Basket giveaway and we helped by providing 300 cans of vegetables.


Turkey Day at Our Kitchen


Graciousness, gratitude and generosity shown through the faces and actions of the many volunteers and guests this Thanksgiving day.  Once again St. Peter’s Kitchen provided hundreds of  festive Thanksgiving meals (this time 350) to the neighborhood and all comers searching for some early holiday cheer.  Many also took meals home to family and friends on our registered log of homebound.

Christmas Toy Store News

On Monday December 16, 2024 – The St. Peter’s Toy Store will be open for grandparents, parents, and guardians for children up to age 12. 


If you would like to donate toys, we need them by December 9 – contact to find out where to deliver them and what we need most.

We need your time, talent and treasure to serve the growing needs of the community. If you have not yet responded to our Holiday Appeal we would appreciate your contribution to help us make a difference and reduce food insecurity. If you have contributed thank you very much! With many blessings to you and your families!    Bob