SLED News & Updates


Build, Engineer, Invent!


Lawrence Hall of Science Festivals are a really fun and interactive way to get kids thinking about engineering, building, and inventing without traditional lessons. 


SLED is funding these festivals at all elementary and middle school sites, and got to be on hand as volunteer helpers at Jefferson's festival in April. It was amazing to see kids instantly collaborating, designing, and problem solving while building rollercoasters, assembling and launching stomp rockets, creating giant 3-D shapes, and so many more fun and engaging activities.


Spring Fling Highlights

Our first ever Spring Fling was one for the books - from the golf cart escorts to the Dunsmuir Pavilion, to the delicious guava margaritas from Sons of Liberty Alehouse, to the yummy Tio's Mediterranean Grill family style dinner, to silly photo booth pics, to the absolute best company of people at any party for San Leandro, a great time was had by all.


We successfully raised funds so SLED can continue providing awesome education experiences to students - with the help of our hero sponsors and guests. 


SLED looks forward to all opportunities to show off student accomplishments and the generous impact that our donors and sponsors make happen.

Our first ever Cornhole Tournament was ridiculously fun. We appreciate all who came out to help and to be part of our inaugural event. We raised some money for kids and had a great time doing it - and now we can't wait until the next one. Our sincere thanks to our community partner Davis Street Family Resource Center who provided the FREE water to keep everyone hydrated and our sponsors, Canology, the Vitz Family, and Ghirardelli Chocolate.

Watch our update video that premiered at the Spring Fling


New Donors & Sponsors

Thank you to some of our newest monthly donors!

Jill Rodgers-Quaye, MaryAnn Valles, and Deborah Acosta

Our work is possible with your support, and we thank you most sincerely.



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