We are thrilled to announce that the SWWC Foundation was able to raise $43,275 from your generous donations and grants for the 2022-23 Student Enrichment Program! You are making a positive impact on the future leaders of our region.
Events held from February through May are highlighted below.
Across the region, nearly 3,700 students participated in local spelling bees, with 22 advancing to the Regional Spelling Bee. The top four at the Regional Spelling Bee advanced to the Multi-Region Spelling Bee in Fergus Falls, with the winner of that competition advancing to the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Eighty-four students from across the region submitted one or more entries for the Creative Writing Contest. Entries could be fiction, nonfiction or poetry. At the Awards Banquet on April 23, guest speaker Lauren Carlson shared her journey to becoming a published author. She then presented 21 students with first through third place medals ... with nine of these students receiving more than one medal! This contest is a partnership between SWWC and the SMSU Creative Writing Department.
The Schwan Culinary Skills Challenge was held on April 19 at SMSU in Marshall. Over 250 students participated in interactive sessions and/or competitions. Competition categories included Baking Science, Cake Decorating, Culinary, Food Art, Knife Skills, Menu Design and Place Setting/Napkin Folding. Interactive session topics were Cooking with Maple Syrup, Smoked Pizza, New Orleans Beignets, Spring Rolls and more.
Senior High Knowledge Bowl (SHKB)
Sixty-eight teams from across the region (over 360 students) competed in SHKB this year. The teams pictured below advanced to the State SHKB Competition in April at Cragun's near Brainerd.
State SHKB Results:
Class A: RTR 8th
Class AA: GSL 4th; Montevideo 8th; JCC 9th; Marshall 11th
Class AAA: Holy Family 7th
Congratulations to all teams on a successful year!
The Science and Nature Conference was held on Tuesday, May 9 at SMSU in Marshall. Over 630 students from across the region were dazzled by keynote speaker, Dazzling Dave Schulte, National Yo-Yo Master. Students then attended three hands-on breakout sessions led by 25+ presenters. It was an awesome day of learning!
We are thankful for all the businesses, foundations and individuals who support our mission.
We invite you to continue your support so we can make an impact on even more students in 2023-24!
SWWC Foundation
1420 East College Drive
Marshall, MN 56258
Shelly Maes
Executive Director