January E-News


From the PSR Maine Security Committee

PSR Maine Security Committee would like to alert you to two dates in January that will highlight both the dangers of nuclear weapons and more importantly the treaty making nuclear weapons illegal.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist will reset the Doomsday Clock on January 24. Given the ongoing Ukraine war and climate crisis, how close will it be to midnight

January 22 will be the second anniversary of the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons coming into force. It is now binding for 68 countries. The treaty bans developing, testing, producing, manufacturing, transferring, possessing, stockpiling, stationing such weapons on their territory, and using and threatening to use nuclear weapons.

Both dates offer opportunities for Op-Eds and letters to the editor calling for changes in US nuclear policy to pull us Back from the Brink. 


What PSR Maine members should know about Indigenous Nations Sovereignty 

While PSR Maine has limited capacity to deal with all the issues that could fall under the umbrella of “social responsibility,” we should still be knowledgeable about ongoing controversies. How does Maine Indigenous Nations Sovereignty fit into our agenda? The Maine journalist Colin Woodard’s book Unsettled presents a detailed history of the relationship between the tribes and the state (portions available free online) – including some disturbing details regarding the 1970’s Settlement Act which stripped Maine tribes of many of the rights and benefits given to tribal governments in other states. Specifically, it has barred the Wabanaki tribes from accessing federal resources for disaster relief, domestic violence prevention, and public health infrastructure improvements.  These resources could have been used to help break the cycle of poverty and cultural oppression experienced by a significant proportion of the indigenous population.

In addition to being an issue of economic injustice, tribal sovereignty also has environmental ramifications. There are several federal policies that mandate tribal involvement (except in Maine) in natural resource decision-making. These regulations recognize the importance of protection of native lands, as well as the primacy of tribes in enforcing environmental laws in Indigenous country. In regions where there is debate over tribal authority regarding hunting and fishing, securing those rights can overlap with the goals of protecting environments to maintain healthy land and water ecosystems. In areas of the US where tribes have exercised some legal authority over environmental decisions, they have been constructive partners regarding the use of shared natural resources. The same should be true in Maine…their voices should be heard. A bill to redress the effects of the Settlement Act will be considered in the upcoming legislative session. As an organization, PSR Maine will be involved only peripherally -- as a partner in the Environmental Priorities Coalition. However, I would encourage PSR members to follow this issue, and express your opinion to your state legislator.             

-- Syd Sewall, President PSR Maine



Giving in the New Year

We had a great end of year giving campaign reaching 85% of our goal! Thanks to everyone for your support. If you have not made your donation yet there is still time!


Every step we take to make a difference gives us hope. Please take a step-make an INVESTMENT in our future here! 


To mail your contribution to us, please send a check to our UPDATED mailing address:

PSR Maine, 126 Western Ave #1012

Augusta ME 04330 

Or point your camera at this QR code and you’ll be taken directly to our secure donor page: