Dear community,
I’m writing to share some news: this winter, I will be stepping down as the Executive Director of North Coast Food Web. There’s a lot I could say - about gratitude for my time here, how much I love and respect our staff, Board and the people we serve, and how important the mission is. All of that is true.
I want to take a moment to remind us where we are and to look to the future with you first though. The Food Web has been in a tremendous growth period for the last couple of years. We’ve firmly planted ourselves in the role of food business incubator extraordinaire, fed a lot of families who are struggling with the economic realities of our moment, created a whole new kitchen education program, and gathered (and produced) new resources for farmers. We are looking ahead to new facilities that will ground our programs that much more.
Our passionate, smart and skilled staff is building something powerful and beautiful, and I trust them to keep up the good work moving forward. We are on the cusp of new, exciting initiatives with community partners, and I know I for one will be reading the newsletters next year with relish, seeing how it all unfolds. The Board will also be sharing a job posting soon, and I’m excited to see who will pick up the reins of leading this amazing organization into that future.
It’s been a deep honor to be with you in this journey. I’ve loved being able to increase wages and benefits, taking better care of the Food Web people who are taking care of the community. I’ve loved bringing in so many terrific new Board members and watching them form into an energetic, caring group together. I’ve loved thinking deeply about equity in the food system, and laughing our collective way through Spanish learning as a staff. And I’ve loved being part of the Clatsop County food community, and meeting so many of you.
Next for me is a needed break from leadership roles, a couple new book projects that have been languishing for the last few years, and some extended time with family and friends in the midwest and east coast.
Thanks so much for our time together; I’m glad I have a few more months. I’m still in town until mid-December, and would love to see you before I head east for a while.
In community,