• A Message from Kiko and David, RepGen Co-chairs
  • RepGen Updates
  • Reparations in the News
  • Resources
  • Evaluation & Iteration
  • Homeownership Reparative Transfer Program (HORT)
  • Community Engagement & Activation Program
  • Spotlight: National Landscape for Reparations
  • RepGen Mission, Vision and Strategy


As the summer temperatures rise, so, too, are the stakes for the reparations movement. These next few months will be pivotal in protecting the hard-fought gains made in recent years to confront systemic inequality. With the 2024 elections just around the corner, we are seeing historic opposition to diversity initiatives, affirmative action, and reproductive rights. Opponents are targeting all race-based equity programs in order to turn back the clock. 

The good news is that research is showing that support for reparations among U.S. adults has grown to 30% (PEW 12/22). Regardless of political affiliation, the lies, myths, and misconceptions are giving way to the truth: reparations is essential to create a more perfect union for all Americans. 

Thank you for learning about our nation’s history. Thank you for starting and navigating difficult conversations with friends and family. Thank you for raising your voices to demand change. And thank you for supporting RepGen. Together we are moving reparations from theory to reality. With every house meeting, genealogical breakthrough, and reparative transfer, RepGen continues to demonstrate reparations in action

Of course, more work lies ahead, and each step forward is likely to receive more scrutiny from those who prefer the status-quo, but rest assured: you are making a difference, and you are not alone. Legal challenges to reparative efforts at the city, state, and federal level will make grassroots efforts more important than ever, so please keep in touch with RepGen and other organizations active in reparations. We are stronger together, and together we shall become the generation that achieves reparations.


  • Upcoming Virtual House Meetings are June 18, July 30, and August 22. You asked and we listened. We’re adding special topics and resources to deepen our impacts. So in addition to learning about reparations and RepGen’s approach, on June 18 we’ll share tips and stories about having good conversations about reparations with others and July 30 we’ll focus on why and how to explore restorative genealogy. You can find more info and register here.
  • Restorative Genealogy Program Event: Join us on July 30 from 5:00-6:30 PT for a special Virtual House Meeting event featuring Lotte Lieb Dula, Founder of Reparations4Slavery, in conversation with Kellie Farrish, RepGen Board Member and Professional Genealogist. Learn more and register to attend here.
  • SAVE THE DATE: RepGen Annual Friendraiser is August 22, 2024 in Detroit. We look forward to you joining us for this special in-person gathering. More details to come soon!
  • RepGen received a $75,000 unrestricted grant from the Community Foundation of South East Michigan to support our racial justice mission and strategy in Detroit. We greatly appreciate CFSEM’s support and philanthropic leadership which is widely recognized and closely aligns with our co-creative values and approach.
  • We’re making significant progress toward hiring our first Executive Director. We hope to make a formal announcement soon. 


A RepGen core value is that we co-learn and co-create together. In that spirit, we expanded our Evaluation Team in March. We also invited all who receive this Newsletter to complete our survey about their 2023 reparations-related engagement. Learn more about our survey results. 


RepGen is preparing to embark on the second phase of our Home Ownership Reparative Transfers (HORT) program pilot this summer. Thanks to your ongoing support, we are prepared to make up to eight additional reparative transfers of $25,000 and assist recipients in the process of finding a home.


All of us need to navigate our next individual and community level steps for learning, healing, and effectively advancing reparations. A great way to do this is to join the RepGen House Meeting Coach Squad.


Even in cases where reparations are popular and demonstratively effective, ideological forces are at play to sabotage progress.




Reparation Generation is a multi-racial, national non-profit focused on demonstrating reparations in action and advocating for federal reparations for Black American descendants of chattel slavery.



Our mission is to be the generation of Americans who achieve federal reparations for slavery and for the unjust, systematic denial of constitutional rights of Black Americans well into the 21st century. Our vision is to become the more perfect union our constitution promises every American.


While our goal is a Federal Reparations Act, we aren’t just waiting for our government officials to act. Our Black Founders set a goal to demonstrate reparative models that cultivate intergenerational wealth for Black Americans descended from slavery in the 48 contiguous United States. We raise funds from individuals, corporations, and foundations as personal acts of repair for slavery and its resulting legacy of economic and social oppression. The strategies we are currently modeling and evaluating focus on Direct Reparative Transfer Payments to Black Americans for Homeownership, Restorative Genealogy, Community Engagement & Activation, and Co-Creative Evaluation & Iteration. 

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©2024 Reparation Generation | 548 Market Street, PMB 81178

San Francisco, CA 94104